Fathers Day Make a Felt Guitar

Fathers Day is on Sunday 19th this year, this video shows the steps to make the felt guitar key-ring. My husband plays guitar so this was the inspiration for the design as a gift from our daughter. Materials used in this project included Glitter Fabric, Felt, Embroidery Thread, Elastic, Button & Key Ring.
Here are the steps to make it- Read on for Step by Step & Template

Step 1- Print and Cut out Template
Step 2- Pin and Cut out Glitter Fabric
Step 3- Pin Glitter Guitar to Felt and cut out
Step 4- Layout Beads
Step 5- Stitch on Beads
Step 6 - Blanket Stitch together both Guitar pieces
Step 7- Attach a loop of Elastic and Button to the end
Step 8- Loop the Elastic through the Key Ring

Right Click on the image - Click Save image as - name image - open then Print
